Esoteric Acupuncture is a new field of applied acupuncture developed by Dr. Mikio Sankey which combines several systems of energy medicine. Ayurvedic Medicine from India, the oldest documented system of medicine in the world, describes a system of energy centers in the body called Chakras. Esoteric philosophy, a Western field of philosophical thought, along with Ayurvedic medicine, both recognize a system of human energy fields called Auras, which have been photographed using Kirlian photography. The Chakras and Auras are collectively referred to as the subtle energy structures of the human organism. Dr. Sankey has developed a system of treating these subtle energy structures by accessing them through the meridians and acupoints of Oriental medicine. This system utilizes acupoints needled in specific geometric patterns on the body, which initiates frequencies of energy that resonate in harmony with, and amplify, our own energy fields.Esoteric Acupuncture is the method of treatment that finally unifies these various energy systems into one cohesive school of thought, and permits directly treating the higher energy structures and higher planes of consciousness.

Esoteric Acupuncture is not merely another form of acupuncture treatment. Esoteric Acupuncture defines a “way of life.” This way of life emphasizes the awakening and expansion of our spiritual center (not the same as religions). This way of life includes the importance of understanding the vibrational frequencies of the foods and drinks we ingest. Everything we eat and drink shapes our multiple energy fields. It is important to only ingest foods of the cleanest and highest vibrations. Energy is transported through our hands, fingers and mind through the acupuncture needle into the client. Energy is a transporter of information.

Many schools of thought in alternative medicine suggest that all physical ailments have their origin in one of the higher energy structures. Disharmonies exist there before the illness ever manifests in your physical body. Esoteric Acupuncture can be used alone, or in combination with conventional acupuncture to treat a variety of physical, mental and emotional illnesses.If you suspect there are unknown mental, emotional or spiritual components to your illness and have tried other methods of treatment without success, Esoteric Acupuncture may be the means of helping you find and correct the true root cause and restore your health.

Esoteric Acupuncture ‘s most significant application is to enhance the development of your higher states of consciousness. It is very effective when combined with a regular program of meditation or energy enhancement. If you are actively pursuing a spiritual program and are interested in enhancing your ability to raise your consciousness, Esoteric Acupuncture can be a valuable tool to assist with and facilitate this process. In addition, those receiving treatments from traditional acupuncture may find greater improvement in their overall well-being when combining with Esoteric Acupuncture.

* Esoteric Acupuncture & logo copyright by Dr. Mikio Sankey, PhD, LAc. Used with permission.